Monday, July 23, 2012

Since I have picked back up reading Jim has faced a few more difficulties. He lost his new job as a plumber because of a crazy client that accused him of sexually assaulting her. Afterwards him and his roommate decided that it would be a good idea to try and smuggle drugs to Michigan, while at the bus station they were stoped by police who arrested them and they were sentenced to thirty days in prison. While in prison Jim found himself defending himself and Marco, meanwhile back in California Marco's car was impounded and they were evicted from their apartment. Once they were released from jail they lived in a "half-way" house with other ex-cons and recovering addicts.  Jim soon met a woman named Lonnie and instantly fell in love. Him, Lonnie, and Marco's were inseparable all though Lonnie began missing home.

Jim began coping more proactively, he realized he was in a tough situation and tried to prevent and more bad things from happening. He started filling out job applications to earn money so they would have a place to stay. Jim's, Lonnies', and Marco's adversities are to their fault only, everybody is given the opportunity to make something out of their life, if they do not take advantages of those opportunities then that can only be their fault. For example; Jim could have chosen to be adopted he would have some what of an education and could have been and excellent football player, but he chose to stay in the boys home.

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